Salary policy
Salary policy
Staff and Financial Regulations and Rules
Salary policy is governed by the following Staff Regulations and Rules:
Deductions and contributions:
- Staff Rule, 3.16
Night differential:
- Staff Rule, 3.12
Payment of salaries and allowances:
- Staff Regulation, 3.1
- Staff Rules: 3.1, 3.2, 3.6 to 3.16
Pensionable remuneration:
- Staff Rules: 3.5, Appendix A
Retroactivity of payments:
- Staff Rule, 3.17
Salary advances:
- Staff Rule, 3.16
Salary policy:
- Staff Rule, 3.4
Salary scales:
- Staff Regulations: 3.1, Annex I, para. 3
- Staff Rule, 3.1
Staff assessment:
- Staff Regulations: 3.3, Annex I, para. 9
- Staff Rule, 3.2
Tax obligations:
- Staff Regulations: 1.1 (f), 3.3
- Staff Rule, 1.1 (b)
For more detailed provisions please refer to the administrative issuances related to this topic.
Secretary-General's Bulletin(s)
Administrative Instruction(s)
ST/AI/2022/4 | Payment and disbursement of salaries and related allowances |
ST/AI/2021/4/Rev.1 | Performance Management and Development System |
ST/AI/2018/12 | Salary advances |
ST/AI/2018/3 | Rental subsidies and deductions |
ST/AI/2009/1 | Recovery of overpayments made to staff members |
ST/AI/2002/8 | Official hospitality |
ST/AI/2002/8 | Official hospitality (Consolidated) |
ST/AI/259/Rev.10 | Salary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Section Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services Headquarters |