Consultants and individual contractors
Consultants and individual contractors
Consultants are individuals who are recognized authorities or specialists in a specific field, engaged by the United Nations under a temporary contract in an advisory or consultative capacity to the Secretariat.
Individual contractors are individuals engaged by the Organization from time to time under a temporary contract to provide expertise, skills or knowledge for the performance of a specific task or piece of work, which would be short-term by nature, against the payment of an all-inclusive fee.
For more detailed provisions please refer to the administrative issuances related to this topic.
For UN staff members looking for related policy implementation guidance on Consultants and Individual Contractors, please access the Knowledge Gateway.
Secretary-General's Bulletin(s)
Administrative Instruction(s)
ST/AI/2013/4 | Consultants and individual contractors |
ST/AI/2013/4/Amend.1 | Consultants and individual contractors |
ST/AI/2013/4/Rev.1 | Consultants and individual contractors |