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Staff selection system

Quick facts

The staff selection system is governed by the following Staff Regulations and Rules:

Staff selection system

Staff Regulations, Article IV

Staff Rules, Chapter IV

For more detailed provisions please refer to the administrative issuances related to this topic.

For UN staff members looking for related policy implementation guidance on  Language allowance, please click here


Other Documents

(OHR/PG/2024/3) Administration of fixed-term appointment limited
(OHR/PG/2024/4/Rev.3) Implementation of Staff Rule 3.3 on Salary Policy: Determination of step upon promotion, recruitment, or movement to a different category
(OHR/PG/2024/4/Rev.3) Implementation of Staff Rule 3.3 on Salary Policy: Determination of step upon promotion, recruitment, or movement to a different category
(OHR/PG/2024/4/Rev.3/FAQs/Rev.1) Implementation of Staff Rule 3.3 on Salary Policy: Determination of step upon promotion, recruitment, or movement to a different category
Rules of Procedure - Central Review Board
Rules of Procedure - Central Review Committee
Rules of Procedure - Central Review Panel
DESA.3 (Personal History Statement for Project Personnel)
DPKO.5 (Mission Application Form)
P.1-E (Personnel Induction Questionnaire)
P.1/A (Induction Questionnaire for Contractual Personnel)
P.144 (Request for Extension of Appointment beyond Retirement)
P.269 B Computation sheet for SPA following temporary assignment from the field service category (upto and including FS-5 level) to the professional category
P.299 (Decision Record: Extension of Contracts)
P.302 (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment, Language, Free-lance, Non-retiree)
P.302/A (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment, Language, Retiree)
P.302OS - (Letter of Appointment-Language, non-retiree, off-site, AITC)
P.302OS/A - (Letter of Appointment-Language, retiree, off-site, AITC)
P.303 (Letter of Appointment for WAE (non-language) Non-retiree)
P.303/A (Letter of Appointment for WAE (non-language) Retiree)
P.304 (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment, Language, WAE, Non-retiree)
P.304/A (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment, Language, WAE, Retiree)
P.304OS - (Letter of Appointment-WAE, Language, retiree, off-site, AITC)
P.304OS/A - (Letter of Appointment- WAE, Language, non-retiree, off-site, AITC)
P.308 (LOA for WAE, Except language staff, Retiree, Local recruit)
P.308/A (LOA for WAE, Except language staff, Non-retiree, Local recruit)
P.315 (TJO - Temporary Job Opening Announcement)
P.316 (Conditions of Service for Full Time Judges of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal)
P.70-E (Letter of Appointment - Fixed-term Appointment)
P.70/A-E (Letter of Appointment - Fixed-term UNIC staff only)
P.72-E (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment)
P.72/A-E (Letter of Appointment - Temporary Appointment for UNIC staff only)
P.78 E (Letter of Appointment - Continuing Appointment)
P.89-E Fixed-term Appointment (Competitive Examinations)
P.96-E (Conditions of Service for Fixed-Term Appointments in the Prof. & Higher Categ.)
P.98-E (Conditions of Service for Temporary Appointments in the Prof & Higher Categ.)