Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2012 ST/SGB/2012/2 Publications Board 29/03/2012
2011 ST/SGB/2011/10 Young professionals programme 19/10/2011
2011 ST/SGB/2011/9 Continuing appointments 18/10/2011
2011 ST/SGB/2011/7/Rev.2 Central Review Bodies 08/11/2023
2011 ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.1 Staff-Management Committee 11/07/2013
2011 ST/SGB/2011/4 Organization of the Office of Human Resources Management 20/07/2011
2011 ST/SGB/2011/3/Amend.2 Management Committee 19/01/2022
2011 ST/SGB/2011/3 Management Committee (Consolidated) 16/03/2011
2011 ST/SGB/2011/3 Management Committee 16/03/2011
2011 ST/SGB/2011/2 Authority of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) in matters relating to human resources management 01/01/2011
2010 ST/SGB/2010/9 Organization of the Department of Management 06/12/2010
2010 ST/SGB/2010/8/Rev.1 United Nations Memorial and Recognition Fund 24/05/2012
2010 ST/SGB/2010/7 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 02/08/2010
2010 ST/SGB/2010/3 Organization and terms of reference of the Office of Administration of Justice 07/04/2010
2010 ST/SGB/2010/2 Organization of the Department of Field Support 04/03/2010
2010 ST/SGB/2010/1 Organization of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations 05/02/2010
2009 ST/SGB/2009/14 Organization of the United Nations Office for Partnerships 18/12/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/13/Corr.1 Organization of the Department of Political Affairs 05/11/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/13 Organization of the Department of Political Affairs 01/10/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/12 Records and archives of the United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission 01/08/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/9 Learning and development policy 22/06/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/4 Procedures for the promulgation of administrative issuances 18/12/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/3 Organization of the United Nations Office at Nairobi 01/03/2009
2009 ST/SGB/2009/1 Authority of the United Nations Office for Project Services in matters relating to human resources management 16/01/2009
2008 ST/SGB/2008/12 Departmental focal points for women in the Secretariat 01/08/2008