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Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (19) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (649) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Legend Topics Documents Additional Content Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (19) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (649) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Organization of the Department of Field Support - ST/SGB/2010/2 Organization and terms of reference of the Office of Administration of Justice - ST/SGB/2010/3 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ST/SGB/2010/7 United Nations Memorial and Recognition Fund - ST/SGB/2010/8/Rev.1 Organization of the Department of Management - ST/SGB/2010/9 Young professionals programme - ST/SGB/2011/10 Administrative Instruction on Evaluation United Nations Secretariat - DMSPC-OIOS/2021/1 Authority of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) in matters relating to human resources management - ST/SGB/2011/2 Environmental policy for the United Nations Secretariat - ST/SGB/2019/7 Authority of United Nations security officers - ST/AI/2019/5 Library Services - ST/AI/205 Use of Dag Hammarskjold memorial library - ST/AI/145/Rev.1 Registration of representatives, establishment of passes and publication of official documents containing lists of delegates to meeting of United Nations organs - ST/AI/118/Rev.1 Renewal of the United Nations Headquarters-administered health insurance programme, effective 1 July 2020 - ST/IC/2020/13 Official holidays for 2020 at United Nations Headquarters - ST/IC/2019/23 Management Committee - ST/SGB/2011/3 Membership of the Senior Review Group - ST/IC/2019/22 Dispositions régissant l’accès au Siège pendant la soixante-quatorzième session de l’Assemblée générale - ST/IC/2019/19 Index to administrative issuances - ST/IC/2019/1 Navigating the health-care system in the United States of America - ST/IC/2018/30 United Nations sabbatical leave programme for 2018 - ST/IC/2017/19 Death and Disabilities Coverage for Members of the Joint Inspection Unit - ST/A1/235/Corr1 New mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations Secretariat [SECTION 2.1 ONLY] - ST/SGB/2005/16 Annual Inspection of Official Status File - ST/AI/108 Mission subsistence allowance - ST/AI/2021/2 Mission subsistence allowance rates - ST/IC/2021/15 Revised salary scales for staff in the General Service and related categories at Headquarters - ST/IC/2021/16 Organization of the Office of Human Resources Management - ST/SGB/2011/4 Payment of 2021 income taxes - ST/IC/2022/4 Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations (consolidated text) - ST/SGB/2015/4 Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2015/4 Review of staff claims for dependency benefit for 2021 - ST/IC/2022/6 Membership of the Health and Life Insurance Committee - ST/IC/2022/5 Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations - ST/AI/2019/3/Rev.1 Mission subsistence allowance rates - ST/IC/2021/15/Amend.1 Staff-Management Committee - ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.1 Mission subsistence allowance rates (Consolidated) - ST/IC/2021/15 Claims for compensation under appendix D to the Staff Rules in the event of death, injury or illness due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - ST/IC/2021/17 Flexible working arrangements - ST/SGB/2019/3 Office of the Special Adviser on Africa - ST/SGB/2003/6 Non-smoking policy at United Nations Headquarters New York - ST/SGB/2003/9 Authority of the United Nations Population Fund in matters relating to human resources - ST/SGB/2004/10 Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policy - ST/SGB/2004/11 Personal status for purposes of United Nations entitlements - ST/SGB/2004/13/Rev.1 Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions - ST/AI/2000/3 Use of Information and communication technology resources and data - ST/SGB/2004/15 Organization of the United Nations Office at Vienna - ST/SGB/2004/5 Organization of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - ST/SGB/2004/6 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ST/SGB/2005/11 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa - ST/SGB/2005/12 Go to first page Go to previous page … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 … Go to next page Go to last page
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