Information Circulars (ICs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2008 ST/IC/2008/11 Revalidation of visas 31/01/2008
2007 ST/IC/2007/51 New travel regulations for foreign nationals entering Japan 26/12/2007
2007 ST/IC/2007/43 Visa status while on mission service 22/10/2007
2006 ST/IC/2006/33 Revised procedures for picking up documents processed by the Host Country Affairs Section of the United States Mission to the United Nations 21/08/2006
2006 ST/IC/2006/30 Outside activities 16/08/2006
2006 ST/IC/2006/21 United Nations group life insurance plan - Life insurance premium rate change effective 1 July 2006 31/05/2006
2005 ST/IC/2005/55 New claims administration service from Aetna for medical services rendered outside the United States of America 04/10/2005
2005 ST/IC/2005/30 Outsourcing and impact on staff 15/06/2005
2005 ST/IC/2005/11 Mobile communication devices for official work 18/02/2005
2004 ST/IC/2004/39 Procedures regarding citations for motor vehicle infractions 09/09/2004
2004 ST/IC/2004/31 Permanent residence in the United States of America - waiver of rights privileges exemptions and immunities 06/08/2004
2004 ST/IC/2004/14 Filing of petitions for special immigrant classification and/or applications for lawful permanent resident status in the United States of America 24/03/2004
2004 ST/IC/2004/8 United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology 27/01/2004
2003 ST/IC/2003/64 Personal emergency contact information 11/12/2003
2003 ST/IC/2003/41 Communications and contacts with host country authorities 30/06/2003
2003 ST/IC/2003/40 Transportation of privately owned automobiles: list of countries and territories to which such transportation may be partially reimbursed 24/06/2003
2002 ST/IC/2002/63/Amend.1 United Nations group life insurance plan - Life insurance premium reduction 14/07/2003
2002 ST/IC/2002/63 United Nations group life insurance plan (Consolidated) 27/09/2002
2002 ST/IC/2002/63 United Nations group life insurance plan 27/09/2002
2001 ST/IC/2001/27/Amend.1 Visa status in the United States of America 25/08/2008
2001 ST/IC/2001/27 Visa status in the United States of America (Consolidated) 10/04/2001
2001 ST/IC/2001/27 Visa status in the United States of America 10/04/2001
2000 ST/IC/2000/89 Procedures governing the dispatch of personal mail from United Nations offices away from Headquarters 27/11/2000
2000 ST/IC/2000/86 Multilingualism 14/11/2000
2000 ST/IC/2000/70 Medical evacuation 21/09/2003