Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
1998 ST/SGB/1998/6 Building the future 31/03/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/4 Organization of the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa 01/03/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/3 Organization of the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe 23/02/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/2 Organization of the Office of Internal Oversight Services 12/02/1998
1997 ST/SGB/1997/12 Staff-Management Coordination Committee 13/10/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/11 Organization of the Department of Management 15/09/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/8 Organization of the Office of Legal Affairs 15/09/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/6 Organization of the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services 15/09/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/5 Organization of the Secretariat of the United Nations 12/09/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/3 Senior Management Group 08/09/1997
1997 ST/SGB/1997/1 Procedures for the promulgation of administrative issuances 28/05/1997
1997 ST/SGB/266/Amend.1 Senior Review Group for the filling of posts at the Director (D-2) and higher levels 14/03/1997
1995 ST/SGB/280/Amend.1 Suspension of the granting of permanent and probationary appointments 22/12/1995
1995 ST/SGB/280 Suspension of the granting of permanent and probationary appointments 09/11/1995
1995 ST/SGB/276 Integrated Management Information System: Definition of Responsibility for the Implementation and Operation of the System and Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee 27/04/1995
1994 ST/SGB/272 Security of information 09/08/1994
1994 ST/SGB/269 Secure Telecommunications Equipment 10/01/1994
1993 ST/SGB/267 Placement and Promotion 15/11/1993
1993 ST/SGB/266 Senior Review Group for the filling of posts at the Director (D-2) and higher levels 05/11/1993
1993 ST/SGB/259 Wearing of Grounds Passes 02/07/1993
1992 ST/SGB/253 Promotion of equal treatment of men and women in the Secretariat and prevention of sexual harassment 29/10/1992
1992 ST/SGB/251 Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Revolving Fund 22/07/1992
1992 ST/SGB/200/Rev.1 Joint Advisory Committee at Headquarters 01/10/1992
1991 ST/SGB/242 United Nations Archives and Records Management 26/06/1991
1991 ST/SGB/240 United Nations International Drug Control Programme 26/06/1991