Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2008 ST/SGB/2008/1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules (ST/SGB/2002/1) 01/01/2008
2007 ST/SGB/2007/12 HIV/AIDS in the Workplace Orientation Programme 01/12/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/10 Records of the United Nations Compensation Commission 29/06/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/8 Amendments to staff rules 103.20 and 203.8 14/03/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/7 Organization of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States 15/02/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/4 Staff Regulations 01/01/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/3 Staff Rules 301.1 to 312.6 governing appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/2 Amendments to the 200 series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2007
2006 ST/SGB/2006/16/Amend.4 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 24/12/2012
2006 ST/SGB/2006/16/Amend.3 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 02/11/2011
2006 ST/SGB/2006/16/Amend.2 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 29/11/2010
2006 ST/SGB/2006/16/Amend.1 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 26/09/2008
2006 ST/SGB/2006/12 Organization of the Office of Legal Affairs 30/11/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/11 Amendments to staff rules 105.3, 107.13, 107.19, 107.21, 107.23, 205.2, 207.15, 207.19, 207.20, 207.22 and 307.6 24/11/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/10 Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response Fund 10/10/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/9 Consideration for conversion to permanent appointment of staff members eligible to be considered in 1995 24/08/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/8 Special annex for the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation (series 300) to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations (series 100) 20/07/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/4 Staff Regulations 01/01/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/3 Staff Rules 301.1 to 312.6 governing appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/2/Corr.1 Amendments to the 200 series of the Staff Rules (ST/SGB/2002/2) 03/03/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/2 Amendments to the 200 series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/1/Corr.2 Modification des dispositions de la série 100 du Règlement du personnel (ST/SGB/2002/1) [rançais seulement] 01/01/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2006
2005 ST/SGB/2005/20 Prevention of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority 28/11/2005