Administrative Instructions (AIs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2003 ST/AI/2003/7 Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories 30/10/2003
2003 ST/AI/2003/6 Delegation of authority under the Financial Regulations and Rules[1] of the United Nations 13/08/2003
2003 ST/AI/2003/5 Property management and inventory control at United Nations Headquarters 19/05/2003
2003 ST/AI/2003/1 Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skills 27/01/2003
2002 ST/AI/2002/7 Family leave, sick leave and maternity leave 24/11/2002
2002 ST/AI/2002/5 Mission subsistence allowance (superseded by ST/AI/2021/2) 07/06/2002
2002 ST/AI/2002/4 Staff selection system 23/04/2002
2002 ST/AI/2002/3 Performance Appraisal System 20/03/2002
2002 ST/AI/2002/2 Official travel 07/02/2002
2002 ST/AI/2002/1 Education grant and special education grant for disabled children 01/10/2002
2001 ST/AI/2001/16 Rental subsidies and deductions 23/01/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/10 Performance appraisal system 31/12/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/9 Mobility and hardship allowance 07/12/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/8 Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories 02/11/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.1 Managed Reassignment Programme for staff in the Professional category at the P-2 level recruited through the national competitive examination or the General Service to Professional category examination 10/05/2013
2001 ST/AI/2001/7 Managed Reassignment Programme for Junior Professional Staff 28/08/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/5 United Nations Internet publishing (abolished by ST/AI/2022/2) 22/08/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/2 Appointments of limited duration 15/03/2001
2001 ST/AI/2001/1 Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowances (Superseded by ST/AI 2022/4)) 08/02/2001
2000 ST/AI/2000/21 Occasional recuperation break 22/12/2000
2000 ST/AI/2000/20 Official travel 22/12/2000
2000 ST/AI/2000/18 Life insurance 21/12/2000
2000 ST/AI/2000/17 Assignment grant 11/12/2000
2000 ST/AI/2000/14 Coordination of action in cases of death of staff members: Travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergency 09/11/2000
2000 ST/AI/2000/11 Recovery of overpayments made to staff members 12/10/2000