Gratis personnel
Gratis personnel - ST/AI/1999/6
Guidance on Assignment of Property to an End-User
Guidelines for the Preparation of Host Government Agreements falling under General Assembly Resolution 40/243 - ST/AI/342
Hardship allowance
Health and Life Insurance Committee at Headquarters - ST/SGB/275
Health Insurance
Home leave
Home leave - ST/AI/2015/2/Rev.1
Honours gifts or remuneration
Host Country Agreements
Hostage Risk Management
Hourly wage for household employees on G-5 visas - ST/IC/2019/21
Hours of work
Hours of work
HPSB.1 (Case Report and Recommendation) - HPSB.1
Human Resources Handbook - ST/IC/2010/19/Rev.1
ICT Devices
ICT Project Management
Illness or injury during travel on official business
Implementation of the new mandatory age of separation - ST/IC/2018/13
Imposition of fees associated with the privileges and benefits provided by the Office of Foreign Mission for non-United States citizens - ST/IC/2016/8
Improvised Explosive Devices
in New York"
Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme - ST/SGB/2006/16
Index of issuances
Index to administrative issuances - ST/IC/2019/1
Index to information circulars - ST/IC/2019/2
Index to the Staff Regulations and the provisional Staff Rules - ST/IC/2010/31
Individual counselling
Individual counselling
Informal resolution and Ombudsman
Information and Communications Technology Initiatives - ST/AI/2005/10
Information Circulars - ST/SGB/1997/2
Information sensitivity classification and handling - ST/SGB/2007/6
Institutional use of social media - ST/SGB/2019/5
Instructions governing United Nations Diplomatic Pouch Service - ST/AI/368
Insurance contact - Geneva
Insurance contact - New York
Insurance contact - Vienna
Insurance requirements for senior officials entitled to diplomatic privileges and immunities - ST/IC/1997/90
Inter-Organization Agreement concerning Transfer Secondment or loan of Staff among the Organizations applying the UN Common System of Salaries and Allowances
Inter-organization movements
Internal candidates and internal vacancies
Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste - ST/AI/2006/2
Internal Justice Council - ST/IC/2017/31
International Criminal Tribunals: information sensitivity, classification, handling and access - ST/SGB/2012/3