Danger pay - ST/AI/2020/6
Data and Information
Data Protection
Data protection and privacy policy for the Secretariat of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2024/3
Dates, mode, route and standard of Travel
Death and Disabilities Coverage for Members of the Joint Inspection Unit - ST/A1/235/Corr1
Death injury or illness attributable to service
Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority - Human Resources
Delegation of authority in the administration of the Staff Regulations and Rules and the Financial Regulations and Rules - ST/SGB/2019/2
Departmental focal points for women in the Secretariat - ST/SGB/2008/12
Dependency allowances
Dependency allowances for staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2011/6/Corr.1
Dependency allowances for staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2023/10
Dependency allowances for staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category (Consolidated) - ST/IC/2011/6
Dependency status and dependency benefits - ST/AI/2018/6/Rev.1
DESA.2 (Salary Assignment Form for Project Personnel) - DESA.2
DESA.3 (Personal History Statement for Project Personnel) - DESA.3
DESA.6 (Request for Personnel Files) - DESA.6
DESA.7 (PS/TCMS Personnel File Control Form) - DESA.7
Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation - ST/IC/2020/9
Determination of continuous service for purposes of separation benefits (termination indemnity, grant upon death and repatriation grant) - OHR/PG/2024/2
Determination of earning limits in processing short-term appointment of retiree language staff
Disciplinary measures
Discussion with vendors
Disease-specific information
Disease-Specific Information
Disposal of Computer Equipment at United Nations Headquarters - ST/AI/2001/4
Dispositions régissant l’accès au Siège pendant la soixante-quatorzième session de l’Assemblée générale - ST/IC/2019/19
DM.10 (Report on Standards of Accommodation for Air Travel) - DM.10
DM.2 (Irrevocable Designation of Beneficiary - Life Insurance) - DM.2
DM.3 (Creditor Designation of Beneficiary - Life Insurance) - DM.3
DM.4 (Designation of Beneficiary - Life Insurance) - DM.4
DM.5 (Evidence of Insurability Statement - Life Insurance) - DM.5
DM.6 (Assignment of Group Coverage-Life Insurance) in PDF format - DM.6
DM.7 (Application for Group Life Insurance) - DM.7
DM.8 (Beneficiary Certification form 1 - Life Insurance) - DM.8
DM.9 (Beneficiary Certification Form 2 - Life Insurance) - DM.9
Downsizing or restructuring resulting in termination of appointments - ST/AI/2023/1
DPKO.5 (Mission Application Form) - DPKO.5
DPKO.8 (DPKO Registry Unit Official Status File Movement Log) - DPKO.8
DPKO.9 (DPKO Personnel File Control Form) - DPKO.9
Due process in a disciplinary process
Early retirement
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
Education Grant and Related Benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1
Education grant and related benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1/Amend.1
Education grant and related benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1/Amend.2
Education Grant and Related Benefits during COVID-19
Education grant and special education grant for children with a disability - ST/IC/2022/8