Joint Negotiation Committee
Joint Negotiation Committee at Headquarters - ST/SGB/2007/9
Joint Negotiation Committee for the Field - ST/SGB/2008/11
Joint staff-management machinery
Junior Professional Officer Programme
Junior Professional Officers
Language allowance
Language and communications programme at Headquarters 2019 - ST/IC/2019/5
Language proficiency and language allowance - ST/AI/2021/1
Lassa Fever
Lassa Fever recommendations (EN)
Learning and development policy - ST/SGB/2009/9
Liability insurance
Life insurance
Life insurance - ST/AI/2002/6
Life insurance - ST/AI/2002/6/Amend.1
Life insurance (consolidated version) - ST/AI/2002/6
Limitation of automatic forwarding of e-mail messages - ST/IC/2014/18
List of UN Examining Physicians Worldwide
List of UN-sponsored Clinics
Listing and recognition of academic degrees - ST/AI/2018/5
Long-Service step
Loss of entitlement to unaccompanied shipment or relocation shipment
Loss or damage to personal effects attributable to service
Maintain Family Status HR Factsheet (Dependency status and benefits)
Maintenance of Personnel Record Cards - ST/AI/105
Managed Reassignment Programme for staff in the Professional category at the P-2 level recruited through the national competitive examination or the General Service to Professional category examination - ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.2
Management Committee - ST/SGB/2011/3
Management Committee - ST/SGB/2011/3/Amend.2
Management Committee (Consolidated) - ST/SGB/2011/3
Management evaluation
Management Performance Board - ST/SGB/2013/2
Managers’ Guide to Appendix D and the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims (ABCC): Claims for service-incurred injury, illness or death
Material and package passes in New York Headquarters - ST/AI/2018/13
Maternity, Paternity, and Adoption Leave
Medical clearances - ST/AI/2018/4
Medical Clearances- UNHQ
Medical Disclaimer
Medical evacuation - ST/AI/2000/10
Medical evacuation - ST/IC/2000/70
Medical evacuations
Medical examination
Medical insurance
Medical insurance plan for locally recruited staff at designated duty stations away from Headquarters - ST/AI/2015/3
Medical Insurance Plan for United Nations locally recruited staff at designated duty stations away from Headquarters effective 1 April 2015 - ST/IC/2015/8
Medical services around the globe
Medical Services around the globe
Medical Services in New York
Medical standards