Filters Apply filters according to your needs by selecting the relevant checkboxes. Your selection will display the relevant topics and documents in the search results area. Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (20) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (650) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Legend Topics Documents Additional Content Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (20) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (650) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations - ST/AI/2016/3 Excess baggage, shipments and insurance - ST/AI/2016/4 Settling-in grant - ST/AI/2016/5 Mobility and hardship scheme - ST/AI/2016/6 Unsatisfactory conduct, investigations and the disciplinary process - ST/AI/2017/1 Abolition of obsolete administrative instructions - ST/AI/2017/2 Rest and recuperation - ST/AI/2018/10 Salary advances - ST/AI/2018/12 Material and package passes in New York Headquarters - ST/AI/2018/13 Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability - ST/AI/2018/2 Rental subsidies and deductions - ST/AI/2018/3 Listing and recognition of academic degrees - ST/AI/2018/5 P.198 (Request for Personnel Files) - P.198 P.282 (Authorization to withdraw Personnel Files) - P.282 P.283 (Personnel Records File Closure Form) - P.283 P.300 (Overtime Report Sheet) - P.300 P.34-E (Declaration - Oath of Office) - P.34-E P.35/A (Final Clearance Certificate for Project Personnel) - P.35/A P.35/B (Clearance for Separating Staff Member) - P.35/B P.36-E (Opt out/Resume Participation in the Voluntary supplemental funding mechanism for the Office of Staff Legal Assistance) - P.36-E P.50-E (Certificate of Employment) - P.50-E DESA.3 (Personal History Statement for Project Personnel) - DESA.3 DPKO.5 (Mission Application Form) - DPKO.5 P.1-E (Personnel Induction Questionnaire) - P.1-E P.1/A (Induction Questionnaire for Contractual Personnel) - P.1/A P.105 E - Contract for the Translation Services of a Consultant or Individual Contractor - P.105 E P.11-E (Personal History) - P.11-E P.11/C (Supplementary Sheet to P.11) - P.11/C P.110 (Personal History-short form) - P.110 P.113 (Administrative Detail form) - P.113 P.159-E (Reference Statement Check for Professionals) - P.159-E P.273-E (Conditions of Service for Fixed Term Appointments of one year or more - GS and Related Categories) - P.273-E Personnel payroll clearance action - ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1 Road and driving safety - ST/AI/2010/6 P.280-E (Conditions of Service for FTA Int'l Recruited GS staff) - P.280-E P.299 (Decision Record: Extension of Contracts) - P.299 P.302OS - (Letter of Appointment-Language, non-retiree, off-site, AITC) - P.302OS P.302OS/A - (Letter of Appointment-Language, retiree, off-site, AITC) - P.302OS/A P.303 (Letter of Appointment for WAE (non-language) Non-retiree) - P.303 P.303/A (Letter of Appointment for WAE (non-language) Retiree) - P.303/A Review committees on contracts - ST/AI/2011/8 P.304OS - (Letter of Appointment-WAE, Language, retiree, off-site, AITC) - P.304OS P.304OS/A - (Letter of Appointment- WAE, Language, non-retiree, off-site, AITC) - P.304OS/A P.308 (LOA for WAE, Except language staff, Retiree, Local recruit) - P.308 P.308/A (LOA for WAE, Except language staff, Non-retiree, Local recruit) - P.308/A P.315 (TJO - Temporary Job Opening Announcement) - P.315 P.316 (Conditions of Service for Full Time Judges of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal) - P.316 P.70-E (Letter of Appointment - Fixed-term Appointment) - P.70-E P.70/A-E (Letter of Appointment - Fixed-term UNIC staff only) - P.70/A-E Coordination of action in cases of death of staff members: travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergency - ST/AI/2011/9 Go to first page Go to previous page … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … Go to next page Go to last page
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