Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2008 ST/SGB/2008/11 Joint Negotiation Committee for the Field 01/08/2008
2008 ST/SGB/2008/9 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe 27/06/2008
2008 ST/SGB/2008/8 Organization of the Office for Disarmament Affairs 27/06/2008
2008 ST/SGB/2008/5 Prohibition of discrimination harassment including sexual harassment and abuse of authority 11/02/2008
2007 ST/SGB/2007/11/Amend.1 Amendment to the Secretary-General's bulletin ST/SGB/2007/11 on United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes 16/04/2013
2007 ST/SGB/2007/11 United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes (Consolidated) 30/11/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/11 United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes 30/11/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/9 Joint Negotiation Committee at Headquarters 15/06/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/6 Information sensitivity classification and handling 12/02/2007
2007 ST/SGB/2007/5 Record-keeping and the management of United Nations archives 12/02/2007
2006 ST/SGB/2006/16 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 22/12/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/15 Post-employment restrictions 26/12/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/14 Amendment to Secretary-General's bulletin ST/SGB/2005/16 on new mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations Secretariat 08/12/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/13 Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme 01/12/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/7 Records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste 31/05/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/6 Financial disclosure and declaration of interest statements 10/04/2006
2006 ST/SGB/2006/5 Acceptance of pro bono goods and services 22/03/2006
2005 ST/SGB/2005/22 Ethics Office - establishment and terms of reference 30/12/2005
2005 ST/SGB/2005/16 New mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations Secretariat [SECTION 2.1 ONLY] 22/08/2005
2005 ST/SGB/2005/16 New mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations Secretariat 22/08/2005
2005 ST/SGB/2005/12 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa 29/04/2005
2005 ST/SGB/2005/11 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 29/04/2005
2004 ST/SGB/2004/15 Use of Information and communication technology resources and data 29/11/2004
2004 ST/SGB/2004/13/Rev.1 Personal status for purposes of United Nations entitlements 26/06/2014
2004 ST/SGB/2004/11 Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policy 09/08/2004