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Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (20) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (649) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Legend Topics Documents Additional Content Clear Submit Type Topics Documents Additional Content Category Accountability (32) Finance and Budget (20) Health and Wellbeing (4) Human Resources (649) Information and Technology (15) Property Management (8) Security (1) Travel (81) Source Forms Policy Guidelines ST/AI ST/IC ST/SGB Publication Date From To Don't include archives Include Archives Sort by Relevance Date Ascending Date Descending Apply filters Organization of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - ST/SGB/1999/8 Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat - ST/SGB/1999/9 Outside activities - ST/AI/2000/13 Visa Committee - ST/SGB/2000/11 Regulations for the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Medal - ST/SGB/2000/15 Regulations for the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Medal - ST/SGB/2000/15/Amend.1 Organization of the United Nations Office at Geneva - ST/SGB/2000/4 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - ST/SGB/2000/5 Procedures to be followed by the departments offices and regional commissions of the United Nations with regard to treaties and international agreements - ST/SGB/2001/7 Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme - ST/SGB/2002/14 New nomenclature for staff of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2002/18 Introduction of a new staff selection system - ST/SGB/2002/5 Organization of the Office of Internal Oversight Services - ST/SGB/2002/7 Visa status of non-United States staff members serving in the United States members of their household and their household employees and staff members seeking or holding permanent resident status in the United States - ST/AI/2000/19 Regulations Governing the Status Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials and Experts on Mission - ST/SGB/2002/9 Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse - ST/SGB/2003/13 Organization of the Office of Programme PlanningBudget and Accounts - ST/SGB/2003/16 Policy on HIV/AIDS in the workplace - ST/SGB/2003/18 Introduction of a new staff selection and managed mobility system - ST/SGB/2016/2/Rev.1 Senior Review Board - ST/SGB/2016/3/Rev.1 Global Central Review Board - ST/SGB/2016/4/Rev.1 Official hospitality - ST/AI/2002/8 Terms of reference for the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services - ST/SGB/2016/7 Placement of staff members serving in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General - ST/SGB/2016/8 Status basic rights and duties of United Nations staff members - ST/SGB/2016/9 Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations - ST/SGB/2017/2/Rev.1 Abolition of obsolete Secretary-General's bulletins - ST/SGB/2017/3 Senior Management Group - ST/SGB/2018/2 Regulations and rules governing programme planning, the programme aspects of the budget, the monitoring of implementation and the methods of evaluation - ST/SGB/2018/3 United Nations mandatory learning programmes - ST/SGB/2018/4 Introduction of an occupational safety and health management system - ST/SGB/2018/5 Official hospitality - ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.1 Abolishment of obsolete Secretary-General's bulletins - ST/SGB/2018/6 Evacuation procedures for the United Nations Headquarters complex in New York - ST/SGB/2018/7 Policy on breastfeeding - ST/SGB/2019/1 Regional Commissions Liaison Office - ST/SGB/205 Use of Working Languages of the Secretariat - ST/SGB/212 Establishment of the Office of Internal Oversight Services - ST/SGB/273 Procedures and Terms of Reference of the Staff Management Consultation Machinery at the Departmental or Office level - ST/SGB/274 Within-grade salary increment - OHRM/PG/2006/1 Central Review Bodies - ST/SGB/2011/7/Rev.2 Official travel - ST/IC/2019/16/Amend.1 Staff Safety and security [privileges and immunities] - OHRM/PG/2002/1 Gratis personnel - ST/AI/1999/6 Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, including provisional Staff Rules - ST/SGB/2023/1/Rev.1 Renewal of the United Nations Headquarters-administered health insurance programme, effective 1 July 2023 - ST/IC/2023/11 Dependency allowances for staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2023/10 Dependency status and dependency benefits - ST/AI/2018/6/Rev.1 Rental subsidies and deductions - ST/IC/2023/9 Solicitation of Voluntary Contributions within the Secretariat - ST/AI/104 Go to first page Go to previous page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Go to next page Go to last page
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