Information Circulars (ICs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2013 ST/IC/2013/24 Working hours during the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly for staff members at United Nations Headquarters 09/08/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/23 Classification of duty stations and special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations 30/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/22/Amend.2 Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation 10/10/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/22/Amend.1 Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation 04/09/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/22 Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation 29/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/21 Membership of the New York General Service Classification Appeals Committee 16/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/20 Review for consideration for the granting of a continuing appointment, as at 1 July 2012 08/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/19 United Nations sabbatical leave programme for 2014 02/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/18 Renewal of the United Nations Headquarters-administered health insurance programme, effective 1 July 2013 10/06/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/16 Internal Justice Council 17/05/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/14 Education grant and special education grant for disabled children 19/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/13 Membership of the Health and Life Insurance Committee 18/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/12/Amend.1 Language and communications programme at Headquarters - 2013 16/07/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/12 Language and communications programme at Headquarters - 2013 10/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/11 Revised salary scales for staff in the General Service and related categories at Headquarters 04/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/10 Hourly wage for household employees on G-5 visas and terms of permissible deductions 15/03/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/9 Pensionable remuneration for staff in the Professional and higher categories and for staff in the Field Service category 25/02/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/8 Payment of 2012 income taxes 31/01/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/7/Amend.1 Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation 17/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/7 Designation of duty stations for purposes of rest and recuperation 23/01/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/6 Rates of daily subsistence allowance in New York, Geneva and Vienna 21/01/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/5 Classification of duty stations and special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations 10/01/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/4/Amend.2 Membership of the Central Review Board, Committee and Panel at Headquarters 14/01/2014
2013 ST/IC/2013/4/Amend.1 Membership of the Central Review Board, Committee and Panel at Headquarters 08/04/2013
2013 ST/IC/2013/4 Membership of the Central Review Board, Committee and Panel at Headquarters 31/12/2012