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Year | Symbol | Title | Date published |
1986 | ST/IC/86/62 | Career development plan for the general service and related categories in New York | 24/11/1986 |
1986 | ST/IC/86/52 | Career development and placement of staff [English only] | 10/10/1986 |
1984 | ST/AI/314 | Non-resident's allowance | 27/01/1984 |
1982 | ST/IC/82/13 | Standards of conduct [English only] | 26/02/1982 |
1982 | ST/IC/1992/18 | Separation payments for staff in the professional and higher categories | 06/03/1982 |
1979 | ST/IC/79/10 | Unauthorized absence [English only] | 14/01/1979 |