Information Circulars (ICs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2009 ST/IC/2009/29 No smoking policy at United Nations Headquarters premises 10/08/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/27 2009 competitive examination for language reference assistants 30/07/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/25 Classification of duty stations and special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations 15/06/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/24 Review of staff claims for dependency benefits for 2006, 2007 and 2008 04/06/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/23 After-school recreation and study programme for United Nations Children 20/05/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/22 2009 competitive examination for Arabic-language editors 08/05/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/20 2009 competitive examination for Arabic-language proofreaders/copy preparers/production editors 21/04/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/19 2009 competitive examination for Arabic-language interpreters 21/04/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/18 2009 competitive examination for Spanish-language translators/précis-writers 13/04/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/17 Language proficiency examinations, September 2009 06/04/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/16 2009 competitive examination for Arabic-language translators 30/03/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/15 2009 competitive examination for Arabic-language editorial assistants 18/03/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/13/Corr.1 Education grant and special education grant for disabled children 28/05/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/13 Education grant and special education grant for disabled children 19/02/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/12 2009 competitive examination for Russian-language proofreaders/copy preparers/production editors 06/02/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/11 2009 competitive examination for Russian interpreters 06/02/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/10 2009 competitive examination for French-language translators/précis-writers 30/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/9/Add.1 Payment of 2008 income taxes 24/03/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/9 Payment of 2008 income taxes 28/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/8 Post adjustment classification for New York 19/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/7 Dependency allowances for staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category 22/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/6 Revised base salary scales for staff in the Professional and higher categories and staff in the Field Service category 15/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/4 Vanbreda medical, hospital and dental insurance programme for staff members away from Headquarters 08/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/3 After-School Recreation and Study Programme for United Nations Children 02/01/2009
2009 ST/IC/2009/2 Index to information circulars 01/01/2009