Administrative Instructions (AIs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
1985 ST/AI/326/Corr.1 The United Nations Archives 17/01/1985
1985 ST/AI/314/Add.1 Non-resident's allowance 16/01/1985
1985 ST/AI/189/ADD.9/REV.1 Regulations for the control and limitation of documentation 26/03/1985
1984 ST/AI/326 The United Nations Archives 28/12/1984
1984 ST/AI/319 Control of travel on official business 12/09/1984
1984 ST/AI/316 Granting of status of staff members to full-time language teachers 06/03/1984
1984 ST/AI/298/Amend.1 Overtime and night differential for staff in the general service and related categories [English only] 15/10/1984
1984 ST/AI/275/Rev.1 Rental subsidies and deductions for staff at duty stations outside Europe and North America 05/04/1984
1984 ST/AI/240/Rev.2 Performance Evaluation Report System 28/11/1984
1983 ST/AI/310 Registration of staff members and affiliates on Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and after Office Hours 20/09/1983
1983 ST/AI/308/Rev.1 Establishment of panels on discrimination and other grievances 25/11/1983
1983 ST/AI/304/Add.1 Extension of the rental subsidy scheme 30/09/1983
1983 ST/AI/301/Add.1 Initial classification of general services posts in New York [English only] 12/07/1983
1983 ST/AI/301 Initial classification of general services posts in New York [English only] 10/03/1983
1983 ST/AI/298 Overtime and night differential for staff in the general service and related categories [English only] 28/02/1983
1983 ST/AI/256/Add.1 Separation of responsibilities and duties of cheque signatories and finance officers designated as approving officers 20/12/1983
1983 ST/AI/190/Rev.1 Outside Activities 02/05/1983
1982 ST/AI/297 Technical co-operation personnel and OPAS officers 19/11/1982
1982 ST/AI/296 Consultants and participants in advisory meetings 19/11/1982
1982 ST/AI/295 Temporary staff and individual contractors 19/11/1982
1982 ST/AI/283 Official holidays [English only] 27/01/1982
1980 ST/AI/277 Classification system for professional posts [English only] 10/11/1980
1980 ST/AI/274/Corr.1 Appointment, extension and conversion of contractual status of staff in the general service, security service and manual workers categories 27/08/1980
1980 ST/AI/274 Appointment, extension and conversion of contractual status of staff in the general service, security service and manual workers categories 30/06/1980
1980 ST/AI/248/Amen.1 Reimbursement of taxi fares 27/06/1980