Administrative Instructions (AIs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
1995 ST/AI/296/Amend.1 Consultants and participants in advisory meetings 05/07/1995
1995 ST/AI/295/Amend.1 Temporary staff and individual contractors 05/07/1995
1995 ST/AI/242/Amend.1 Establishment of Appointment and Promotion Committees at designated offices away from Headquarters 08/08/1995
1994 ST/AI/398 Implementation of the initial general service classification exercise and the maintenance of the classification system at Bangkok 19/09/1994
1994 ST/AI/397 Reporting of inappropriate use of the United Nations resources and proposals for improvement programme delivery 07/09/1994
1994 ST/AI/395 Appointments of limited duration 02/06/1994
1994 ST/AI/392 Procedures of the Senior Review Group for the filling of posts at the Director (D-2) and higher levels 27/01/1994
1994 ST/AI/358/Amend.1 Procedures for appeal of classification decisions for posts in the general service and related categories in New york 21/04/1994
1993 ST/AI/389 Implementation of the initial general service classification exercise and the maintenance of the classification system at Nairobi 13/10/1993
1993 ST/AI/388 Personnel arrangements for the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) 14/09/1993
1993 ST/AI/386 Electronic mail policies and standards 23/08/1993
1993 ST/AI/360/Rev.1/Corr.1 Movement of staff from the field service category to the professional category 08/12/1993
1993 ST/AI/360/Rev.1 Movement of staff from the field service category to the professional category 15/11/1993
1993 ST/AI/192/Rev.2 Official Hospitality 31/03/1993
1992 ST/AI/381 Travel advances 24/12/1992
1992 ST/AI/379 Procedures for dealing with sexual harassment 29/10/1992
1992 ST/AI/378 Delegation of authority for the classification of posts in the general service and related categories at Vienna 22/10/1992
1992 ST/AI/376 United Nations Exhibits Committee Guidelines 01/06/1992
1992 ST/AI/374 Property records and inventory control under revised definition of non-expendable property 16/01/1992
1992 ST/AI/206/Rev.3/Amend.2 Terminal Expenses 05/11/1992
1991 ST/AI/371 Revised disciplinary measures and procedures 02/08/1991
1991 ST/AI/369/Amend.1 Classification of posts in the general service and related categories in small and medium-sized duty stations [English only] 22/10/1991
1991 ST/AI/369 Classification of posts in the general service and related categories in small and medium-sized duty stations [English only] 30/04/1991
1991 ST/AI/364/Add.2 Assignment grant 08/03/1991
1990 ST/AI/367 Home leave - Change of place of home leave and change of country of home leave 15/10/1990