Administrative Instructions (AIs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
1998 ST/AI/1998/7 Competitive examinations for recruitment or placement in posts requiring specific language skills in the Professional category 23/03/1998
1998 ST/AI/1998/5 Recruitment procedures for professional staff 24/02/1998
1998 ST/AI/1998/4 Competitive examinations for the placement of General Service and Related Categories in particular Occupational Groups 10/02/1998
1998 ST/AI/1998/3 System of daily subsistence allowance 23/01/1998
1998 ST/AI/1998/2 Reimbursement for travel by private motor vehicle 21/01/1998
1997 ST/AI/1997/351/Amend.1 Assistance and representation by counsel in disciplinary and appeal cases 28/01/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/309/Rev2 Authority of United Nations security officers in New York Headquarters 18/02/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/259/Rev.10/Amend.8 Salary Differential for General Service Staff in the Language-typing and word-processing units, Office of Conference and Support Services, Headquarters 23/05/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/7 Recruitment procedures for professional staff 09/04/1999
1997 ST/AI/1997/6/Amend.1 Mission subsistence allowance (superseded by ST/AI/2021/2) 10/01/2008
1997 ST/AI/1997/6 Mission subsistence allowance (superseded by ST/AI/2021/2) 20/10/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/6 Mission subsistence allowance (consolidated version) 20/10/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/4 Upgrading of substantive and technical skills 30/09/1997
1997 ST/AI/1997/1 Conditions under which staff members may take national competitive recruitment examinations 20/08/1997
1997 ST/AI/309/Rev.2 Authority of United Nations Security Officers 18/02/1997
1996 ST/AI/416 Use of United Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits 26/04/1996
1996 ST/AI/415 Redeployment of staff 02/04/1996
1996 ST/AI/414 1996 Early Separation Programme 29/03/1996
1996 ST/AI/410/Corr.1 Implementation of the initial general service classification exercise and maintenance of the classification system at Santiago 31/10/1996
1996 ST/AI/189/ADD.6/REV.4 Regulations for the control and limitation of documentation 12/02/1996
1995 ST/AI/410 Implementation of the initial general service classification exercise and maintenance of the classification system at Santiago 14/09/1995
1995 ST/AI/408 Introduction of Staggered Working Hours at Headquarters 01/08/1995
1995 ST/AI/407 Smoking at United Nations Headquarters 01/08/1995
1995 ST/AI/401 Personnel arrangements for the Office of Internal Oversight Services 18/01/1995
1995 ST/AI/297/Add.1 Technical co-operation personnel and OPAS officers 07/12/1995