Information Circulars (ICs)

Year Symbol Title Publication date
ST/IC/2021/17 Claims for compensation under appendix D to the Staff Rules in the event of death, injury or illness due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 28/12/2021
ST/IC/2021/13 Working hours during the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly for staff members at United Nations Headquarters 10/09/2021
ST/IC/2021/12 Arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters during the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly 03/09/2021
ST/IC/2020/15 Abolishment of obsolete information circulars 10/08/2020
ST/IC/2020/14 Abolishment of obsolete information circulars 01/07/2020
ST/IC/2019/16 Official travel 08/07/2019
ST/IC/2019/15 Flexible working arrangements 11/06/2019
ST/IC/2019/2 Index to information circulars 20/03/2019
ST/IC/2018/18 Abolition of obsolete information circulars 23/07/2018
ST/IC/2017/39 Abolition of obsolete information circulars 22/12/2017
ST/IC/2016/9 Recording and tracking procedure for non-capitalized property 07/03/2016
ST/IC/2013/36 United Nations Policy Framework for International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) 31/12/2013
ST/IC/2013/36 United Nations Policy Framework for International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) revised on 31 December 2016 31/12/2016
ST/IC/2010/31 Index to the Staff Regulations and the provisional Staff Rules 13/10/2010
ST/SGB/2009/4 Procedures for the promulgation of administrative issuances 18/12/2009
ST/IC/1999/111 Mental health‚ Medical and employee assistance facilities (ST/IC/1999/111) 29/12/1999
ST/IC/1999/14 Ergonomic workstations and work with computers guidelines 09/02/1999