Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2000 ST/SGB/2000/9 Functions and organization of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations 15/05/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/8 Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation 19/04/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/7 Staff Regulations 23/02/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/6 Organization of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 17/02/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/3 Staff Rules 301.1 TO 312.6 governing Appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/2 Staff Rules - 200 series 01/01/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/1 Staff Rules 01/01/2000
1999 ST/SGB/1999/22 Organization of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 23/12/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/21 Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme 23/12/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/20 Organization of the United Nations Office at Nairobi 23/12/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/19 Departmental focal points for women in the Secretariat 20/12/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/18 Performance Appraisal System 15/12/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/17 United Nations personnel policy on HIV/AIDS 30/11/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/11 Abolition of obsolete administrative issuances and information circulars 30/06/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/5 Staff Rules 01/01/2001
1999 ST/SGB/1999/3 Financial disclosure statements 28/04/1999
1999 ST/SGB/1999/1 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 13/02/1999
1998 ST/SGB/1998/19 Status, Basic Rights and Duties of United Nations Staff Members 10/12/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/17 Organization of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention 30/10/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/16 Organization of the United Nations Office at Vienna 30/10/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/13 Organization of the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts 01/06/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/12 Organization of the Office of Human Resources Management 01/06/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/11 Organization of the Office of Central Support Services 01/06/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/10 Organization of the Department of Disarmament Affairs 20/05/1998
1998 ST/SGB/1998/9 Organization of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 27/04/1998