Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)


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Publication Date
Year Symbol Title Date published
2002 ST/SGB/2002/13 Status, basic rights and duties of United Nations staff members 01/11/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/12 Office of the Ombudsman - appointment and terms of reference of the Ombudsman 15/10/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/11 Amendment to Secretary-General's bulletin on the organization of the Secretariat of the United Nations (ST/SGB/1997/5) 27/09/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/10 Amendments to staff rules 107.15, 207.17 and 307.4 13/08/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/8 Evacuation procedures for the United Nations Headquarters complex 05/06/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/6 Central review bodies 23/04/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/5 Introduction of a new staff selection system 23/04/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/4 Revision of staff rule 104.14 23/04/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/3 Staff Rules 301.1 TO 312.6 governing Appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/2 Staff Regulations of the United Nations and Staff Rules 200.1 to 212.7 applicable to Technical Assistance Project Personnel 01/01/2002
2002 ST/SGB/2002/1 Staff Rules and Staff Regulations of the United Nations and Staff Rules 100.1 to 112.8 01/01/2002
2001 ST/SGB/2001/10 Amendment to staff rule 104.15 13/11/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/9 Senior Review Group 16/10/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/8 Staff Regulations 27/09/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/6 Amendments to staff rules 105.3 and 207.11 11/06/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/5 Information and Communications Technology Board 08/06/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/4 Implementation of the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations – filling of new posts 12/04/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/3 Staff Rules 301.1 TO 312.6 governing Appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/2 Staff Rules - 200 series 01/01/2001
2001 ST/SGB/2001/1 Staff Rules (Amending ST/SGB/1999/5) 01/01/2001
2000 ST/SGB/2000/16 Abolition of obsolete administrative issuances 13/12/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/14 Accountability Panel 23/10/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/13 Organization of the United Nations Office at Nairobi 22/09/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/12 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 25/09/2000
2000 ST/SGB/2000/10 Organization of the Department of Political Affairs 15/05/2000