Secretary-General’s Bulletins (SGBs)

Year Symbol Title Publication date
ST/SGB/2004/9 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme 01/06/2004
ST/SGB/2004/8 Organization of the Office of Human Resources Management 07/04/2004
ST/SGB/2004/4 Family status for purposes of United Nations entitlements 20/01/2004
ST/SGB/2004/3/Corr.1 Staff Rules - 300 series [Amendment to Appendix A, section II] 04/05/2004
ST/SGB/2004/3 Staff Rules 301.1 to 312.6 [Amendments to section 1 and section 2] 01/01/2004
ST/SGB/2004/2 Amendments to the 200 series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2004
ST/SGB/2004/1/Corr.1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules (ST/SGB/2002/1) 27/04/2004
ST/SGB/2004/1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2004
ST/SGB/2003/19 Basic security in the field: staff safety, health and welfare(Interactive online learning) 09/12/2003
ST/SGB/2003/17 Information and Communications Technology Board 21/11/2003
ST/SGB/2003/15 Organization of the Department of Management 21/11/2003
ST/SGB/2003/14 Policy on breastfeeding 25/10/2003
ST/SGB/2003/11 United Nations Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Fund 19/08/2003
ST/SGB/2003/10 Amendment to paragraph 1 of annex I to the Staff Regulations 11/08/2003
ST/SGB/2003/8 Amendments to staff rules 110.4 (a), 111.2 (i), 210.1 (b) and 310.1 (d) 01/05/2003
ST/SGB/2003/7/Amend.1 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations 16/12/2010
ST/SGB/2003/7 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations 09/05/2003
ST/SGB/2003/5 Staff Regulations 07/02/2003
ST/SGB/2003/4 Flexible working arrangements 24/01/2003
ST/SGB/2003/3 Staff Rules 301.1 to 312.6 governing appointments for service of a limited duration 01/01/2003
ST/SGB/2003/2 Amendments to the 200 series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2003
ST/SGB/2003/1 Amendments to the 100 Series of the Staff Rules 01/01/2003
ST/SGB/2002/17 Amendment to the Secretary-General's bulletin on the implementation of the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations - filling of new posts (ST/SGB/2001/4) 31/12/2002
ST/SGB/2002/16 Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 27/12/2002
ST/SGB/2002/15 Staff-Management Coordination Committee 03/12/2002