Sub-categories Title

Visa and travel documents

Quick facts

Visa and travel documents are governed by the following Staff Regulations and Rules:

Visa and travel documents

Staff Regulations, 1.1

Staff Rules, 1.2


For more detailed provisions please refer to the administrative issuances related to this topic.

Information Circular(s)

ST/IC/2020/11/Amend.1 Employment of household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2020/11 Employment of household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2020/11 Employment of household employees on G-5 visas (consolidated text)
ST/IC/2020/8 Visa requirements for United Nations interns in the United States of America
ST/IC/2019/21 Hourly wage for household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2018/25 G-4 visas for domestic partners
ST/IC/2017/32 Employment of household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2017/6 Revised definition of "immediate family" for the purposes of the G visa
ST/IC/2016/11 Revised policies and procedures for obtaining employment authorization for dependants of non-United States citizens
ST/IC/2015/16 Change in practice regarding the cancellation of valid United States visas in the "G" category upon completion of assignment in the United States of America
ST/IC/2014/29 Revised procedures for obtaining a driver's licence and testing requirements for licences with a motorcycle endorsement for non-United States citizens
ST/IC/2014/25 Criteria for transfer of household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2014/19 Employment of household employees on G-5 visas
ST/IC/2014/11 New procedure for checking the status of United States visa applications
ST/IC/2013/31 Revision of form I-566 Interagency Record of Request-A G or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment to/from A G or NATO Status dated 12 June 2013
ST/IC/2013/17 Changes to the I-94 form (arrival/departure record) for United Nations staff and dependents
ST/IC/2013/15 Eligibility requirements for derivative G status for secondary dependants of United Nations staff
ST/IC/2012/7 Employment of household employees for whom a G-5 visa has been requested or obtained
ST/IC/2009/42 Employment of household employees for whom a G-5 visa has been requested or obtained
ST/IC/2008/11 Revalidation of visas
ST/IC/2007/51 New travel regulations for foreign nationals entering Japan
ST/IC/2007/43 Visa status while on mission service
ST/IC/2006/33 Revised procedures for picking up documents processed by the Host Country Affairs Section of the United States Mission to the United Nations
ST/IC/2004/14 Filing of petitions for special immigrant classification and/or applications for lawful permanent resident status in the United States of America
ST/IC/2004/8 United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology
ST/IC/2003/41 Communications and contacts with host country authorities
ST/IC/2001/27/Amend.1 Visa status in the United States of America
ST/IC/2001/27 Visa status in the United States of America
ST/IC/2001/27 Visa status in the United States of America (Consolidated)