Records and archives of the United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission - ST/SGB/2009/12
Regulations for the Control and Limitation of Documentation: Guidelines for the Publication of Maps - ST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.1
Revalidation of visas - ST/IC/2008/11
Revised definition of "immediate family" for the purposes of the G visa - ST/IC/2017/6
Revised policies and procedures for obtaining employment authorization for dependants of non-United States citizens - ST/IC/2016/11
Revised procedures for obtaining a driver's licence and testing requirements for licences with a motorcycle endorsement for non-United States citizens - ST/IC/2014/29
Revised procedures for picking up documents processed by the Host Country Affairs Section of the United States Mission to the United Nations - ST/IC/2006/33
Revision of form I-566 Interagency Record of Request-A G or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment to/from A G or NATO Status dated 12 June 2013 - ST/IC/2013/31
Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability - ST/AI/2018/2
Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability - ST/AI/2018/2/Amend.1
Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, including provisional Staff Rules, of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2023/1
United Nations internship programme - ST/AI/2020/1
United Nations website publishing - ST/AI/2022/2
United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology - ST/IC/2004/8
Use of Information and communication technology resources and data - ST/SGB/2004/15
Visa and travel documents
Visa Committee - ST/SGB/2000/11
Visa requirements for United Nations interns in the United States of America - ST/IC/2020/8
Visa status in the United States of America - ST/IC/2001/27
Visa status in the United States of America - ST/IC/2001/27/Amend.1
Visa status in the United States of America (Consolidated) - ST/IC/2001/27
Visa status of non-United States staff members serving in the United States members of their household and their household employees and staff members seeking or holding permanent resident status in the United States - ST/AI/2000/19
Visa status while on mission service - ST/IC/2007/43