(OHR/PG/2024/4) Determination of step upon promotion, recruitment or movement to a different category: Implementation of staff rule 3.3 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 78/275 - OHR/PG/2024/4
Chapter 01. Introduction
Chapter 02. Organization of Procurement
Chapter 03. Vendor Registration and Management
Chapter 04. Demand Planning, Acquisition Planning, Procurement Strategy and Requirements Definition
Chapter 05. Sourcing
Chapter 06. Solicitation
Chapter 07. Management of Submissions
Chapter 08. Evaluation of Submissions
Chapter 09. Review by Committees on Contracts
Chapter 10. Awards
Chapter 11. Contract Finalization and Issuance of Contractual Instruments
Chapter 12. Logistics
Chapter 13. Contract Management and Contract Administration
Chapter 14. Cooperation
Chapter 15. Transverse Topics
Chapter 16. Glossary
Chapter 17. Abbreviations
Chapter 18. List of Annexes and Publicly Available Resources
Classification of posts
Gender Focal Points in the Secretariat - ST/SGB/2023/3
Guidelines for the Preparation of Host Government Agreements falling under General Assembly Resolution 40/243 - ST/AI/342
Membership of the Classification Appeals Committee for Posts in the Professional Category and Above - ST/IC/2020/5
Membership of the Field Service Classification Appeals Committee - ST/IC/2018/22
Membership of the New York General Service Classification Appeals Committee - ST/IC/2020/6
P.11-E (Personal History) - P.11-E
P.11/C (Supplementary Sheet to P.11) - P.11/C
P.110 (Personal History-short form) - P.110
P.113 (Administrative Detail form) - P.113
P.148 (Request for Classification Action - for Professionals) - P.148
P.148 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Professional category - P.148 DFS
P.148-B (Point Rating Worksheet) - P.148-B
P.159-E (Reference Statement Check for Professionals) - P.159-E
P.209 (Information Kit on G-4 Visa Application) - P.209
P.270 (Request for Classification Action - for Gen. Svc. and Related Cat.) - P.270
P.270 DFS - Request for Classification for General Service and Related Categories - P.270 DFS
P.289 (Request for Classification Action - for Field Service Category) - P.289
P.289 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Field Service Category - P.289 DFS
P.320 (Work Permit for Spouses Holding G-4 Visas) - P.320
P.321 (Work Permit for Children Holding G-4 Visas) - P.321
P.401 - Temporary Special Measures for the Achievement of Gender Parity - P.401
P.50-E (Certificate of Employment) - P.50-E
Policies to achieve gender equality in the United Nations - ST/SGB/282
Preparation of host government agreements falling under General Assembly resolution 40/243 guidelines - ST/AI/2001/6
PT 61 (Application for G visa) - PT 61
PT.158 (Advance Request for Visas) - PT.158
PT.158/A (Advance Request for Visas which requires certification) - PT.158/A
PT.63 (Request for Change to G-4 Visa Status (for Staff Member)) - PT.63
PT.63A (Request for Change to G-4 Visa Status (for Spouse and eligible family members)) - PT.63A
PT.64-E (Application for United Nations Certificate) - PT.64-E