01. Safety and Security Overview
Armed Private Security Companies
Arming of Security Personnel
Arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters during the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly - ST/IC/2021/12
Arrest and Detention
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Threats and Attacks
Close Protection Operations
Data and Information
Gender Considerations in Security Management
Improvised Explosive Devices
Information sensitivity classification and handling - ST/SGB/2007/6
Management of Stress and Critical Incident Stress
Record-keeping and the management of United Nations archives - ST/SGB/2007/5
Regulations for the Control and Limitation of Documentation: Guidelines for the Publication of Maps - ST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.1
Residential Security Measures
Security of Locally-Recruited Personnel
Security of UN Premises
Special Events
SPM - Chapter IV - Section C - Security of Locally Recruited Personnel
SPM - Chapter IV - Section E - Security of UN Premises
SPM - Chapter IV - Section F - Special Events
SPM - Chapter IV - Section G - Close Protection Operations
SPM - Chapter IV - Section H - Use of Force
SPM - Chapter IV - Section I - Armed Private Security Companies - PSCS
SPM - Chapter IV - Section J - Arming of Security Personnel
SPM - Chapter IV - Section K - Unarmed Private Security Services
SPM - Chapter IV - Section L - Gender Consideration in Security Management
SPM - Chapter IV - Section M - Residential Security Measures (RSMs)
SPM - Chapter IV - Section N - Arrest and Detention
SPM - Chapter IV - Section P- Improvised Explosive Devices - IEDs
SPM - Chapter IV - Section Q - CBRN Policy
SPM - Chapter VI - Section C - Management of Stress and Critical Incident Stress (MSCIS)
Unarmed Private Security Companies
Use of Force
Use of Information and communication technology resources and data - ST/SGB/2004/15