Organization of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States - ST/SGB/2020/2
Organization of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - ST/SGB/2004/6
Organizational Competencies for the Future - ST/SGB/1999/15
Organizational structure of the UN Secretariat
Other Health Insurance Forms
Outside activities - ST/AI/2000/13
Outside activities - ST/IC/2006/30
Outside employment and activities
Outsourcing and impact on staff - ST/IC/2005/30
Overtime and compensatory time off
Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions - ST/AI/2000/3
Overview of the administrative framework with respect to disciplinary matters
P.1-E (Personnel Induction Questionnaire) - P.1-E
P.1/A (Induction Questionnaire for Contractual Personnel) - P.1/A
P.104 Contract for the Services of a Consultant or Individual Contractor - P.104
P.104/A-E (Supplementary Data for a Contract for the Services of a Consultant / Individual Contractor) - P.104/A-E
P.104/B-E (Performance Evaluation for Consultants and Individual Contractors) - P.104/B-E
P.104/C-E (Consultant Health and Insurance Certification) - P.104/C-E
P.105 E - Contract for the Translation Services of a Consultant or Individual Contractor - P.105 E
P.11-E (Personal History) - P.11-E
P.11/C (Supplementary Sheet to P.11) - P.11/C
P.110 (Personal History-short form) - P.110
P.113 (Administrative Detail form) - P.113
P.144 (Request for Extension of Appointment beyond Retirement) - P.144
P.148 (Request for Classification Action - for Professionals) - P.148
P.148 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Professional category - P.148 DFS
P.148-B (Point Rating Worksheet) - P.148-B
P.159-E (Reference Statement Check for Professionals) - P.159-E
P.17 (Request for Medical Classification) - P.17
P.180 (Personnel Files Cross Reference Sheet) - P.180
P.198 (Request for Personnel Files) - P.198
P.2 B-E (Designation, Change, or Revocation of Beneficiary - For Consultants and Individual Contractors - P.2 B-E
P.2-E (Designation, Change, or Revocation of Beneficiary) - P.2-E
P.209 (Information Kit on G-4 Visa Application) - P.209
P.210 (Information Kit on G-5 Visa Application) - P.210
P.210A - Prenotification of a domestic Worker - G-5 Visa - P.210A
P.210B - Computation Sheet - For the request of a G-5 Visa - P.210B
P.210C - Compliance Report for the renewal of visas for household employees - P.210C
P.269 B Computation sheet for SPA following temporary assignment from the field service category (upto and including FS-5 level) to the professional category - P.269B
P.270 (Request for Classification Action - for Gen. Svc. and Related Cat.) - P.270
P.270 DFS - Request for Classification for General Service and Related Categories - P.270 DFS
P.273-E (Conditions of Service for Fixed Term Appointments of one year or more - GS and Related Categories) - P.273-E
P.274-E (Conditions of Service for Temporary Appointment - GS and Related Categories) - P.274-E
P.280-E (Conditions of Service for FTA Int'l Recruited GS staff) - P.280-E
P.282 (Authorization to withdraw Personnel Files) - P.282
P.283 (Personnel Records File Closure Form) - P.283
P.289 (Request for Classification Action - for Field Service Category) - P.289
P.289 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Field Service Category - P.289 DFS
P.290-E (Claim for Compensation under Appendix D to the Staff Rules) - P.290-E
P.299 (Decision Record: Extension of Contracts) - P.299