(OHR/PG/2024/4) Determination of step upon promotion, recruitment or movement to a different category: Implementation of staff rule 3.3 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 78/275 - OHR/PG/2024/4
Administrative leave pending investigation and the disciplinary process
Classification of posts
Compendium of Disciplinary Measures
Compendium of disciplinary measures July 2009-December 2022
Membership of the Classification Appeals Committee for Posts in the Professional Category and Above - ST/IC/2020/5
Membership of the Field Service Classification Appeals Committee - ST/IC/2018/22
Membership of the New York General Service Classification Appeals Committee - ST/IC/2020/6
Overview of the administrative framework with respect to disciplinary matters
P.148 (Request for Classification Action - for Professionals) - P.148
P.148 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Professional category - P.148 DFS
P.148-B (Point Rating Worksheet) - P.148-B
P.270 (Request for Classification Action - for Gen. Svc. and Related Cat.) - P.270
P.270 DFS - Request for Classification for General Service and Related Categories - P.270 DFS
P.289 (Request for Classification Action - for Field Service Category) - P.289
P.289 DFS - Request for Classification Action for Field Service Category - P.289 DFS
Reporting of arrest or detention of staff members other agents of the United Nations and members of their families - ST/AI/299
Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, including provisional Staff Rules, of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2023/1
System for the classification of posts - ST/AI/1998/9
System for the classification of posts - ST/AI/1998/9/Corr.1
Unsatisfactory conduct, investigations and the disciplinary process - ST/AI/2017/1
Visualization of the Investigation and disciplinary process