Information Circulars (ICs)

Year Symbol Title Publication date
ST/IC/2008/33 Membership of the Senior Review Group 03/07/2008
ST/IC/2008/32/Amend.2 Internal Justice Council 22/07/2011
ST/IC/2008/32/Amend.1 Internal Justice Council 18/01/2011
ST/IC/2008/32 Internal Justice Council 23/06/2008
ST/IC/2008/31 2008 competitive examinations for Russian-language verbatim reporters, editors and translators/précis-writers 20/06/2008
ST/IC/2008/30 Rates of reimbursement for travel by private motor vehicle 18/06/2008
ST/IC/2008/29 Renewal of the Headquarters medical and dental insurance plans effective 1 July 2008 and annual enrolment campaign, 2-30 June 2008 12/06/2008
ST/IC/2008/28 2008 competitive examination for English-language verbatim reporters 11/06/2008
ST/IC/2008/27 United States 2008 economic stimulus payments 28/05/2008
ST/IC/2008/26 After-School Recreation and Study Programme for United Nations Children 23/05/2008
ST/IC/2008/25 Joint Appeals Board 21/05/2008
ST/IC/2008/22 Joint Disciplinary Committee 23/04/2008
ST/IC/2008/21 Joint Appeals Board 23/04/2008
ST/IC/2008/20 2008 competitive examination for French interpreters 17/04/2008
ST/IC/2008/18 2008 competitive examination for English-language interpreters 04/04/2008
ST/IC/2008/17 United Nations internship programme 04/04/2008
ST/IC/2008/16 2008 competitive examination for French-language translators/précis-writers 27/02/2008
ST/IC/2008/15 2008 competitive examination for French-language proofreaders/ copy preparers/production editors 27/02/2008
ST/IC/2008/14 2008 competitive examination for French-language verbatim reporters 27/02/2008
ST/IC/2008/13 United Nations competitive examination for accounting assistants (2008) 25/02/2008
ST/IC/2008/10 Vanbreda medical, hospital and dental insurance programme for staff members away from Headquarters 29/01/2008
ST/IC/2008/9 Designation of special missions or locations for purposes of occasional recuperation break 28/01/2008
ST/IC/2008/8 Language proficiency examinations, May 2008 22/01/2008
ST/IC/2008/7 Payment of 2007 income taxes 17/01/2008
ST/IC/2008/6 Rates of daily subsistence allowance at New York, Geneva and Vienna 16/01/2008