Revised base salary scales for staff in the Professional and higher categories and staff in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2022/3
Revised base salary scales for staff in the Professional and higher categories and staff in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2023/5
Revised salary scales for staff in the General Service and related categories at Headquarters - ST/IC/2021/16
Salary advances - ST/AI/2018/12
Salary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Section Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services Headquarters - ST/AI/259/Rev.10
Salary increments
Salary policy
Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability - ST/AI/2018/2
Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability - ST/AI/2018/2/Amend.1
Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations - ST/AI/2016/3
Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations - ST/AI/2019/3/Rev.1
Special post allowance
Special post allowance - ST/AI/1999/17
Special post allowance - ST/AI/1999/17/Amend.1
Special post allowance (Consolidated) - ST/AI/1999/17
Special post allowance for field mission staff - ST/AI/2003/3
Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, including provisional Staff Rules - ST/SGB/2023/1/Rev.1
Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, including provisional Staff Rules, of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2023/1
Status basic rights and duties of United Nations staff members - ST/SGB/2016/9
Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2015/4/Amend.1
Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations - ST/SGB/2015/4
The Programme, Planning and Budgeting Documents
Towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat - A/64/640
UN Charter
United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes - ST/SGB/2007/11
United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes (Consolidated) - ST/SGB/2007/11
Voluntary supplemental funding mechanism for the Office of Staff Legal Assistance - ST/IC/2014/9
Withholding salary increment - OHRM/PG/1969/1
Within-grade salary increment - OHRM/PG/2006/1