Annual leave
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Framework of the United Nations Secretariat - ST/IC/2016/25
Arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters during the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly - ST/IC/2021/12
Arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters during the seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly - ST/IC/2020/18
Arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters during the seventy-third session of the General Assembly - ST/IC/2018/23
Assignment to and return from Mission Detail - ST/AI/404
Authority of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) in matters relating to human resources management - ST/SGB/2011/2
Authority of the United Nations Office for Project Services in matters relating to human resources management - ST/SGB/2009/1
Authority of the United Nations Population Fund in matters relating to human resources - ST/SGB/2004/10
Authority of United Nations security officers - ST/AI/2019/5
Authority to appoint
Authorization to travel
Availability of official documents to Secretariat officials - ST/IC/2019/7
Back Pain
Career development
Central Review Bodies - ST/SGB/2011/7/Rev.2
Change in practice regarding the cancellation of valid United States visas in the "G" category upon completion of assignment in the United States of America - ST/IC/2015/16
Change management
Change of official duty station
Changes to the I-94 form (arrival/departure record) for United Nations staff and dependents - ST/IC/2013/17
Chapter 01. Introduction
Chapter 02. Organization of Procurement
Chapter 03. Vendor Registration and Management
Chapter 04. Demand Planning, Acquisition Planning, Procurement Strategy and Requirements Definition
Chapter 05. Sourcing
Chapter 06. Solicitation
Chapter 07. Management of Submissions
Chapter 08. Evaluation of Submissions
Chapter 09. Review by Committees on Contracts
Chapter 10. Awards
Chapter 11. Contract Finalization and Issuance of Contractual Instruments
Chapter 12. Logistics
Chapter 13. Contract Management and Contract Administration
Chapter 14. Cooperation
Chapter 15. Transverse Topics
Chapter 16. Glossary
Chapter 17. Abbreviations
Chapter 18. List of Annexes and Publicly Available Resources
Cholera Risk Mitigation Plan (EN)
Claims for compensation under appendix D to the Staff Rules in the event of death, injury or illness due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - ST/IC/2021/17
Classification of posts
COM.35/B (Summary of Enclosures - Diplomatic Pouch) - COM.35/B
COM.39 (Authorization for Air Shipment of Mail Matter) - COM.39
Commission for Historical Clarification - ST/SGB/1999/6
Communications and contacts with host country authorities - ST/IC/2003/41
Compendium of disciplinary measures July 2009- Dec 2023
Compensation for loss of or damage to personal effects attributable to service - ST/AI/149/Rev.4