Insurance contact - Geneva
Insurance contact - New York
Insurance contact - Vienna
Language allowance
Language proficiency and language allowance - ST/AI/2021/1
Lassa Fever
Lassa Fever recommendations (EN)
List of UN Examining Physicians Worldwide
List of UN-sponsored Clinics
Long-Service step
Maintain Family Status HR Factsheet (Dependency status and benefits)
Medical Clearances- UNHQ
Medical Disclaimer
Medical evacuation - ST/AI/2000/10
Medical insurance
Medical services around the globe
Medical Services around the globe
Medical Services in New York
Mobility and hardship scheme - ST/AI/2016/6/Amend.2
Mobility and hardship scheme - ST/AI/2016/6
Mobility and hardship scheme (Consolidated) - ST/AI/2016/6
Mobility incentive
Non-family service allowance
Occupational Health and Safety Forum
Official hospitality - ST/AI/2002/8
Official hospitality - ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.1
Official hospitality (Consolidated) - ST/AI/2002/8
Official travel - ST/IC/2019/16
Official Travel - ST/AI/2013/3/Rev.1
Online Training
Overtime and compensatory time off
Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions - ST/AI/2000/3
P.269 B Computation sheet for SPA following temporary assignment from the field service category (upto and including FS-5 level) to the professional category - P.269B
P.41 C - Certificate of prescribed textbooks and receipt for amount paid (Education Grant) - P.41 C
P.41 English (Certificate of Attendance and Costs and Receipt for Payments) - P.41_English
P.41/A (Certificate of Tuition in the Mother Tonque: E/F) - P.41/A
P.41/B-E (Certificate of School Attendance) - P.41/B-E
P.41/D-E (Certificate of Attendance in Summer Course) - P.41/D-E
P.41C - Certificate of Prescribed Textbooks and Receipt for Amount Paid (Special Education Grant Only)
P.45 SEG English (Claim for Payment and/or Request for Advance - Special education grant) - P.45-SEG_E
P.45-EG E (Claim for Payment and/or Request for Advance)
P.46-E - Education Grant (EG) Checklist for Staff Members
P.84/A (Additional child - Annual Declaration Form) - P.84/A
P.85 (Request for Change in Dependency Status - effective on or after 1 January 2018) - P.85
P.85/A (Request for Change in Dependency Status - effective on or before 31 Dec 2016) - P.85/A
Payment and disbursement of salaries and related allowances - ST/AI/2022/4
Payment of 2023 income taxes - ST/IC/2024/1
Pensionable remuneration for staff in the Professional and higher categories and for staff in the Field Service category - ST/IC/2022/10