Due process in a disciplinary process
Early retirement
Education Grant and Related Benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1
Education grant and related benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1/Amend.1
Education grant and related benefits - ST/AI/2018/1/Rev.1/Amend.2
Education Grant and Related Benefits during COVID-19
Education grant and special education grant for children with a disability - ST/IC/2022/8
Education grant and special education grant for children with a disability - ST/IC/2022/8/Corr.1
Education grant travel
Eligibility requirements for derivative G status for secondary dependants of United Nations staff - ST/IC/2013/15
Email filter upgrade - ST/IC/2015/13
Emergency preparedness planning
Employee assistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuse - ST/AI/372
Employment and accessibility for staff members with disabilities in the UN Secretariat - ST/SGB/2014/3
Employment of household employees for whom a G-5 visa has been requested or obtained - ST/IC/2009/42
Employment of household employees for whom a G-5 visa has been requested or obtained - ST/IC/2012/7
Employment of household employees on G-5 visas - ST/IC/2014/19
Employment of household employees on G-5 visas - ST/IC/2017/32
Employment of household employees on G-5 visas - ST/IC/2020/11
Employment of household employees on G-5 visas - ST/IC/2020/11/Amend.1
Employment of household employees on G-5 visas (consolidated text) - ST/IC/2020/11
Employment of Spouses - ST/AI/273
Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control
Entitlements upon separation
Ergonomic workstations and work with computers guidelines - ST/IC/1999/14
Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response Fund - ST/SGB/2020/5
Establishment of mission areas for purposes of relocation grant - ST/IC/2016/28
Establishment of the Office of Internal Oversight Services - ST/SGB/273
Ethical Standards and Integrity
Ethics Office - establishment and terms of reference - ST/SGB/2005/22
Evacuation procedures for the United Nations Headquarters complex in New York - ST/SGB/2018/7
Evaluation in the United Nations Secretariat - ST/AI/2021/3
Excess baggage, shipments and insurance - ST/AI/2016/4
Excess baggage, shipments and insurance - ST/IC/1999/99
Excess luggage
Exhibits in publicly accessible gallery areas at Headquarters in New York and/or on the United Nations exhibits website - ST/AI/2022/3
Experts on mission
F.10-E (Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses) - F.10-E
F.101 (Transfer of Charges - Overtime) - F.101
F.102 (Analysis of Advances Recoverable Locally) - F.102
F.139-E (Field Imprest Account Voucher-for field office use only) - F.139-E
F.177/B Request for designation of Certifying Officers (for HQ) - F.177/B
F.177/C Request for designation of Certifying Officers ( for the field) - F.177/C
F.183 (Payment Voucher for Outside Expertise and Prof. Svcs.) - F.183
F.189 (Reconciliation and Request for Replenishment of Imprest Account) - F.189
F.202 (Indemnity Letter Form) - F.202
F.238-E (Proposal to Establish a Trust Fund) - F.238-E
F.24 (8-06)-X (Statement of Account) - F.24 (8-06)