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Link to UN Official Document (ODS)
Document Body:
United Nations ST/AI/2021/3
6 August 2021
21-11077 (E) 160821
Administrative instruction
Evaluation in the United Nations Secretariat
The Under-Secretary-General for Management Strategy, Policy and
Compliance, pursuant to section 4.2 of Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2009/4
and for the purpose of prescribing instructions and procedures for the implementation
of article VII, Evaluation, of the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme
Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation
and the Methods of Evaluation (ST/SGB/2018/3) promulgates the following:
Section 1
Purpose and scope
1.1 The present instruction describes the Organization’s requirements and
procedures for the management, conduct and use of evaluations and sets out the
operational guidelines for article VII, Evaluation, of the Regulations and Rules
Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the
Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation. It puts into effect the
Secretary-General’s intention to strengthen the evaluation capacity of the Secretariat
so as to better inform programme planning and reporting on programme performance,
among other proposals contained in his report on shifting the management paradigm
in the United Nations (A/72/492), which the General Assembly took note of in its
resolution 72/266 A.
1.2 In view of the mandates of the Inspection and Evaluation Division of the Office
of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), as set forth in Secretary-General’s bulletins
ST/SGB/273 and ST/SGB/2002/7, and its role as the central evaluation unit referred
to in ST/SGB/2018/3, the present instruction clarifies the architecture of the
evaluation function in the Secretariat. It also outlines the governance arrangements
and accountabilities, as well as performance standards, for evaluation functions in the
1.3 Evaluation is a shared function across Secretariat entities. The Secretariat
entities are the departments and offices, including offices away from Headquarters,
special political and peacekeeping missions, regional commissions, resident or
regional coordinators’ offices and any other unit tasked with programmed activities.
1.4 The Secretary-General’s report (A/72/492) and related resolutions and reports
refer to evaluation undertaken by both oversight bodies and entities and to self -
evaluation as referenced and defined in section VII of ST/SGB/2018/3. The term
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“evaluation” is used in the present instruction in reference to both. The provisions of
the instruction apply to all Secretariat entities. Accordingly, all entities are required
to have an evaluation policy that is consistent with the present instruction.
Forthcoming guidance will address transitional measures.
Section 2
Evaluation procedures
Evaluation planning and coverage norms
2.1 Each entity must develop an annual evaluation plan and ensure adequate
allocation of funds for evaluation capacity to deliver the plan. The results of
evaluations and lessons learned must be considered in the preparation of plans and
budgets for future cycles and reported in the budget documents.
2.2 Secretariat entities undertake various types of evaluation, including programme,
thematic and cross-cutting evaluations. The types of evaluation activity undertaken
by each entity depends on its role, mandate and evaluation capacity. The Regulations
and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget,
the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation note the need for
all programmes and subprogrammes to be evaluated on a regular, periodic basis,
irrespective of the source of funding.
2.3 The Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS, as the central evaluation unit,
conducts its programme and subprogramme evaluations at least once every eight
years, as specified in the table below. Specifically, the types of evaluation and
evaluative activities and their coverage norms are as follows:
(a) Programme evaluations assess the overall relevance, effectiveness, impact
and efficiency of a single Secretariat programme or subprogramme or of a
peacekeeping operation or special political mission. As endorsed by the General
Assembly,1 each Secretariat programme is normally evaluated at least once every
eight years;
(b) Thematic evaluations assess high-risk cross-cutting themes or activities
across multiple Secretariat entities, or the cumulative effects of multiple programmes
sharing common objectives and purposes, or the effectiveness of coordination and
cooperation among different entities. There is normally at least one thematic
evaluation on a cross-cutting theme among the priority areas of work of the
Organization each biennium;
(c) Inspections are short, focused and targeted reviews of an organizational
unit, issue or practice perceived to be of high risk, in order to determine the extent to
which it adheres to established norms, good practices or other pre-determined criteria,
and to identify corrective action as needed. These are ad hoc and conducted as and
when identified through regular risk assessments;
(d) Reports on strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of
evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives together
with the evaluation dashboard are the main products through which the Inspection
and Evaluation Division seeks to strengthen evaluation capacity within the
Secretariat. The reports are produced biennially (ST/SGB/2018/3, regulation 7.4);
1 In its resolution 65/244 the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation of the Committee
for Programme and Coordination at its fiftieth session (A/65/16) to approve the proposal of
OIOS for a cycle of eight years to cover all Secretariat programmes so as to improve the
programme evaluation cycle (A/65/6 (Prog. 25), para. 25.6).
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(e) Triennial reviews are assessments undertaken three years after a General
Assembly mandated inspection or evaluation to review the status of implement ation
of report recommendations. All such mandated inspections and evaluations are
subject to triennial reviews (A/37/38, para. 362).
2.4 All entities are subject to the requirement that all programmed activit ies shall
be evaluated by the entity itself, by OIOS or by an external entity such as the Joint
Inspection Unit and other external bodies as approved by the General Assembly, as
specified in regulations 7.2 and 7.3 of the Rules and Regulations. Evaluation coverage
norms and criteria for consideration in establishing the periodicity of evaluations are
outlined in the table below. As such, Secretariat entities shall establish clearly, within
their respective evaluation policies, the specific regular periodic basis within which
all programmes and subprogrammes under their responsibility are evaluated. OIOS
and the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance shall provide
guidance on evaluation planning to ensure coordination and adequate evaluation
coverage of the Secretariat.
Evaluation coverage norms in the Secretariat
Evaluation Frequency Evaluation manager Quality assurance
Accountability for
management response
and use of evaluation
Accountability for
implementation of
evaluation by
At least once
every eight years
and as requested
Inspection and
OIOS Inspection
and Evaluation
Entities OIOS
evaluation by
At least once
every six years
Heads of
entities or
Heads of entities
or designated
managers with
support from
OIOS as needed
Entity and
Entity head of
evaluation or
designated focal
Other (project,
thematic area,
regional or
country operation,
As necessary,
based on risk
and/or specific
requirements or
evaluation policy
Heads of
entities or
managers and
managers as
Heads of entities
or designated
managers and
managers with
support from
OIOS as needed
and project
and project
Management and conduct of evaluations
2.5 Entities shall design, conduct and manage their evaluations in line with the
regulations and rules set out in the Secretary-General’s bulletin (ST/SGB/2018/3) and
the present instruction. The norms and standards for evaluation of the United Nations
Evaluation Group provide additional non-binding advice on the conduct and
management of evaluations.
2.6 Evaluations shall follow key minimum parameters to ensure useful and credible
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(a) Management arrangements for each evaluation shall ensure impartiality
and independence. The designated evaluation manager and team members shall not
be part of the team that designs or manages the implementation of the assessed policy,
plan or programme;
(b) Entities shall develop an inception report or terms of reference that will
contain an evaluation objective, evaluation questions and evaluation design and
(c) Evaluation results, lessons learned and recommendations shall be
incorporated and reflected in planning and budget documents so as to inform strategic
and transparent programme delivery (as specified in ST/SGB/2018/3, rule 107.4).
Quality assurance
2.7 The Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS, in consultation with the
Business Transformation and Accountability Division of the Department of
Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance, develops and provides guidance and
tools to support the conduct of evaluations.
2.8 Heads of entities are responsible for the existence of an appropriate quality
assurance system in their respective entities. The quality assurance system shall
include a clear process, with specific and transparent standards, for assessing the
overall quality of evaluation using agreed professional standards for the conduct of
evaluation. OIOS and the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and
Compliance will provide guidance on minimum quality standards. When Secretariat
entities need assistance in conducting quality assurance at key points in the conduct
of an evaluation, they may request such assistance from the Inspection and Evaluation
Division of OIOS. Key points include identifying evaluation resources such as
consultants; preparing terms of reference, including developing potential
methodology; during the inception phase when finalizing the evaluation design; at the
time of the draft inception report; and at the time of the draft evaluation report.
Section 3
Use of evaluation data, findings and follow-up
3.1 Heads of entities shall promote the use of evaluation data, findings and follow -
up through an interactive process that involves programme managers in the entity
being evaluated, end users and other relevant officials. Heads of entities shall also
ensure that recommendations, findings and lessons learned are considered in planning
and in the preparation of budgets for future cycles and are integrated into policies an d
Management response to evaluation recommendations
3.2 Management in all entities is required to prepare a response to each evaluation.
Management responses to recommendations shall be discussed with programme
managers and include specific, time-bound actions. In instances where Management
decides to adopt recommendations made pursuant to an evaluation, it shall do so by
clearly assigning responsibilities to units that will implement the recommendations.
Management responses shall be made public, except for circumstances in which such
response would divulge confidential information.
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Section 4
Complementarity with other learning and oversight functions
4.1 The Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS and the evaluation units of
Secretariat entities rely on data and information from other functions such as programme
and performance monitoring, research and audit. While maintaining independence, the
Division and Secretariat evaluation units coordinate with internal and external oversight
bodies such as the Internal Audit Division of OIOS, the Board of Auditors and the Joint
Inspection Unit to ensure that evaluations can take advantage of efficiencies in the
generation and use of data and evidence for assessing organizational effectiveness.
4.2 Secretariat entities may request the Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS
and the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance to support the
utilization of relevant performance monitoring systems and data for evaluations and
facilitate the sharing of information and lessons learned.
Section 5
Provisions on roles and responsibilities of the Evaluation
Management Committee, the Evaluation Advisory Committee and
Secretariat entities
Evaluation Management Committee
5.1 The Evaluation Management Committee will be a subcommittee of the
Secretary-General’s Management Committee, chaired by the Under-Secretary-
General for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance. The Business
Transformation and Accountability Division of the Department of Management
Strategy, Policy and Compliance will serve as the secretariat to assist the Committee
in exercising its mandate.
5.2 The Evaluation Management Committee advises the Secretary-General (or
designate) on issues relating to the planning, budgeting and policies related to
evaluation. It is intended to foster demand and use of evaluation within the
Organization, to raise awareness of the added value of evaluation and to ensure that
accountabilities for uptake and use of evaluation results are exercised, including
management response and follow-up on the implementation of recommendations.
Evaluation Advisory Committee
5.3 The Evaluation Advisory Committee is an independent external body, appointed
by the Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services to advise the Director
of the Inspection and Evaluation Division on issues relating to the evaluation
function, including implementation of the evaluation policy; risk-based planning of
evaluations; recommending improvements to evaluation methodologies, procedures,
quality assurance mechanisms and management response; and ways to enhance the
use of evaluations. The Business Transformation and Accountability Division has
observer status in the Evaluation Advisory Committee.
Secretariat entities
5.4 Evaluation is an integral part of the management of the programme planning
and budgetary cycle. Each head of entity is responsible for ensuring the establishment
of the entity’s evaluation policy and an adequately resourced evaluation capacity.
5.5 All heads of Secretariat entities shall:
(a) Ensure that the conduct of evaluation is functionally independent within
the entity;
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(b) Ensure the integration of respect for gender equality and disability
inclusion in evaluation procedures and practices;
(c) Use qualified external and internal evaluators with relevant professional
competencies and experience, including evaluators from the roster developed and
maintained by the Inspection and Evaluation Division where in-house capacity is
(d) Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place for management to monitor
and respond to evaluation recommendations, including outlining concrete actions that
are to be undertaken, and to follow up on recommendation implementation;
(e) Conduct joint evaluations with other Secretariat entities on cross -cutting
areas, including those that contribute to the implementation of the Sustainab le
Development Goals, with coordination by the Inspection and Evaluation Division as
Section 6
6.1 Heads of entities shall ensure adequate capacity and resources to manage and
conduct evaluations and provide effective quality assurance. Heads of entities shall also
ensure that there is adequate capacity to deliver these key roles. Some of these services
may be provided directly by the entity itself, or they may be provided through other
arrangements such as consultancies or long-term agreements with centres of excellence.2
6.2 Secretariat entities shall take into consideration the general view of the Joint
Inspection Unit that funding for evaluation activities should fall within the range of
0.5 to 3 per cent of entity expenditure, depending on the mandate of the entity, its
size, types of evaluation undertaken and the role of evaluation in the entity
(JIU/REP/2014/6, para. 77).
Section 7
Implementation, reporting and review
7.1 The present instruction will come into force at the time of its issuance.
7.2 In accordance with rules 107.2 and 107.3 of the Regulations and Rules Governing
Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of
Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation, the Inspection and Evaluation Division
of OIOS, as the central evaluation unit, will provide further guidance, with support from
the Business Transformation and Accountability Division of the Department o f
Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance, on the implementation of the present
instruction. Nothing in the instruction shall be construed as limiting the operational
independence of OIOS with regard to its mandated activities.
7.3 The instruction will be reviewed two years from the date of issuance.
(Signed) Catherine Pollard
Under-Secretary-General for Management Strategy,
Policy and Compliance
2 Centres of excellence include research institutions, academic institutions and the like that have
evaluation expertise and could provide evaluation services to Secretariat entities.
Publication Date:
Friday, 06 August 2021
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